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Find the very best in Petzl outdoor gear right here at Wood To Water! Our selection includes an array of head torches and accessories that the brand is renowned for. Perfect for camping, climbing, caving, hiking and a whole lot more!
For 50 years, French manufacturer Petzl has been creating and manufacturing quality outdoor gear for every kind of adventure. Whether you're camping, climbing, caving, mountaineering or hiking, Petzl has the equipment and accessories you need to stay safe and comfortable.
Petzl head torches are some of the best around, offering a practical and convenient way of illuminating your path in the dark – and we have a fantastic selection for you to take your pick!
We have a range of models, including the Core series, Compact, E+Lite and Nao® Plus series, each offering incredibly comfortable wear, powerful lumens and long-lasting battery life.
You'll also find an array of Petzl headtorch accessories and equipment, including replacement batteries and chargers, belt kits, and shell cases for keeping your headlamps in working order.
Browse our range of camping head torches from this quality French company and prepare yourself for your next adventure!
Where are Petzl products made?
Petzl manufactures the majority of its products in France and the US, with a small number in China and Malaysia. The brand is very passionate about upkeeping the highest quality standards in terms of design and manufacture.
What is the difference between the Petzl Actik and Actik Core series?
The Actik Core headlamp is the higher-end option of the two, with 600 lumens and up to 100 hours of max burn time. When compared to the Actik, this has 450 lumens also up to 100 hours max burn time. The Actik Core also comes with a rechargeable battery. If you're planning on being active for long periods of time, the Actik Core is your best bet!
How many lumens do I need for a headlamp?
You should look for a minimum of 100 to 150 lumens for a standard headtorch. This is ideal for shorter and more basic camping trips. However, if you're planning on taking part in more adventurous activities such as caving, climbing or mountaineering, you should go for a headtorch with higher lumens – around 300.
How long do Petzl headlamps last?
The battery life of your Petzl headlamp will depend on the model! The Actik Core 600 has a max burn time of 100 hours, whereas the Tactikka+RGB has a max burn time of 160 hours.