Lighten up your outdoor gear! MAX PUMP 2 PLUS weighs only 190g(6.7oz), smaller than a can of Coke. With its handy size, you can easily put it in your pocket or backpack when you are not using it. The design of the top hanging ring, allows you to string it on anything without a carabiner.
Adopting the new AIRVORTECH™ technology for optimized structure and air ducts, MAX PUMP 2 PLUS can easily reach 300L/min of inflation airflow and up to 4.5kPa of inflation pressure with its tiny size.
MAX PUMP 2 PLUS provides step-less dimming to better meet your different light brightness needs. With 500 lumens on high, it is rated to continuously last up to 20 hours at its high brightness, and 72 hours at the low brightness (50 lumens).

Our battery air pump has a built-in 4800mAh rechargeable battery, which works up to 1.5 hours during Low-Pressure Mode (45 mins on High-Pressure Mode) after fully charged. Camping lanterns can work for 72 hours at 50 lumens and 20 hours at 500 lumens. The Type-C charging port can be used to charge the ultralight air pump in various ways, such as a power bank, laptop, car charger, or power adapter.
MAX PUMP 2 PLUS can be used as a power bank with one USB output port to charge your smartphone or mobile devices in an emergency.
Made of high-quality ABS housing and PC lampshade material to ensure durability and reliability. IPX4 dust & water is resistant to moderate rain and splash and deal with various outdoor environments. It's a reliable companion in every adventure you go on. MAX PUMP2 PLUS can make a fire by blowing air and delivering oxygen faster, safely, and efficiently.