Having the right camping gears can help improve your next outdoor adventure but it is also important to know how to maintain and look after your outdoor equipment properly. This is what makes Onewind Backpack Sack a must-have accessory to help keep your products well stored and protected.
The Backpack Sack is made with 1.1 oz nylon ripstop with PU coating so it is lightweight and water-resistant. You can easily unzip it to spread it out and use it as a footprint or a picnic blanket. It has stake loops on all corners so you can easily stake the sack down when needed.

Superior Rain Protection
Keep your bags and camping gears clean and dry throughout the night with Onewind Outdoors Backpack Sack. It offers 360-degree coverage so you’ll never have to worry about putting it down on the ground while trekking in a damp area.

Dirt and Dust Resistant
Walking on dusty trails all day or putting your pack down on the ground means it’s bound to collect dirt and mud. Our Backpack Sack protects your actual backpack from getting dirty, and you can easily wash it after use. It is made from a 1.1 oz nylon ripstop with PU 1000mm coating that is water-resistant and waterproof to help keep your gears clean and dry at all times.

Cleaver and Functional
This backpack cover is designed not only to protect your bags but also doubles as a tent footprint. Simply unzip the bag through the end to convert it to a footprint. When opened, this sack measures 145 x 180 cm (57"*70") and closed, this sack measures 145 x 90 cm(57"*35"). It also includes a handy corner loop that allows you to stake it to the ground, making it a great picnic companion if you want to keep yourself dry.

Lightweight Sack
This rain cover is exceptionally lightweight, so it does not weigh down its user. It weighs 207g/7.3oz and folds small to Φ9cm*18cm (Φ3.5"*7") so it does not take up a lot of space when not in use.

Versatile Camping Gear
Spend the night in the wild with this reliable backpack sack. It is water-resistant and weatherproof so you can rest easy knowing that your backpack and gears are clean and dry. Order yours today!